Showing posts with label ENGLISH ESSAY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ENGLISH ESSAY. Show all posts

Friday, November 15, 2013

Essays - The Responsibilities of an Ideal Student

The Responsibilities of an Ideal Student

The purpose of education is to produce ideal persons to face the responsibilities of the future. This aim can be achieved only when the students are sincere and they acquire the education in the real sense. Just copying a few questions and passing the examination is not an education. A student can never be educated until and unless he does not put his heart and should to the cause of education. A student is a person, who devotes himself to the pursuits of knowledge and learning. It is therefore, the first and foremost duty of aj ideal student to seek knowledge. The pursuit of knowledge demands hard work and full devotion. Unfortunately, the students do not realize their duties. They have confined the education. Their greatest purpose is to get good grade in the examination by hook or by crook. They adopt all the foul means to get through the examinations. The ideal student enriches himself with knowledge. In practical life only those students come out with best colours, who had acquire knowledge.
An ideal student enjoys learning. He goes deep and deep in search of the knowledge. He is not a bookworm. He knows that a healthy body is necessary for healthy mind. He takes interest in all the activities that promote his physical health. He goes to the play ground with the same pleasure and enthusiasm with which he studies in the library. An ideal student is not unsocial. He loves his fellow students and takes part in all the collective activities.
The ideal student respects and honours his teachers. He knows the place of teachers, who are opening the gate of glories for him. He is humble and obedient. The more he learns from his teachers, the more grateful he is to them. The more knowledge he gets, the more humble he becomes. An ideal student is not a frog in a well but a person with greater visions and ideals. He is regular and punctual. He does not participate in adverse and negative activities. He confines himself to his studies and task. He does not waste his time in useless deeds. He does not keep association with such elements whose purpose is to damage the cause of education. He believes in simple and plain living. He is kind and generous.

ESSAY-Women's Rights In Islam

Women's Rights In Islam

At a time when the rest of the world, from Greece and Rome to India and China, considered women as no better than children or even slaves, with no rights whatsoever, Islam acknowledged women's equality with men in a great many respects. 

The Qur'an states:

"And among His signs is this: that He created mates for you form yourselves that you may find rest, peace of mind in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy. Lo, herein indeed are signs for people who reflect." [30:21]

Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) said:

"The most perfect in faith amongst believers is he who is best in manners and kindest to his wife." [Abu Dawud]

Muslims believe that Adam and Eve were created from the same soul. Both were equally guilty of their sin and fall from grace, and both were forgiven by Allah. Many women in Islam have had high status; consider the fact that the first person to convert to Islam was Khadijah,the wife of Muhammad, whom he both loved and respected. His favorite wife after Khadijah's death, AŒisha, became renowned as a scholar and one of the greatest sources of Hadith literature. Many of the female Companions accomplished great deeds and achieved fame, and throughout Islamic history there have been famous and influential scholars, jurists and mystics.
With regard to education, both women and men have the same rights and obligations. This is clear in Prophet Muhammad's saying:

"Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every believer." [Ibn Majah]

This implies men and women.
A woman is to be treated as God has endowed her, with rights, such as to be treated as an individual, with the right to own and dispose of her own property and earnings, enter into contracts, even after marriage. She has the right to be educated and to work outside the home if she so chooses. She has the right to inherit from her father, mother, and husband. A very interesting point to note is that in Islam, unlike any other religion, a woman can be an imam, a leader of communal prayer, for a group of women.
A Muslim woman also has obligations. All the laws and regulations pertaining to prayer, fasting, charity, pilgrimage, doing good deeds, etc., apply to women, albeit with minor differences having mainly to do with female physiology.
Before marriage, a woman has the right to choose her husband. Islamic law is very strict regarding the necessity of having the woman's consent for marriage. A marriage dowry is given by the groom to the bride for her own personal use. She keeps her own family name, rather than taking her husband's. As a wife, a woman has the right to be supported by her husband even if she is already rich. She also has the right to seek divorce and custody of young children. She does not return the dowry, except in a few unusual situations.
Despite the fact that in many places and times Muslim communities have not always adhered to all or even many of the foregoing in practice, the ideal has been there for1,400 years, while virtually all other major civilzations did not begin to address these issues or change their negative attitudes until the19th and 20th centuries, and there are still many contemporary civilzations which have yet to do so.

Essay - Uses and Abuses of Media

Uses and Abuses of Media

Imagine a city without televisions, radios or Internet connections. All these media facilities provide people awareness of what is going on around them. Electronic as well as Print Media is an effective way of communication as it provides link between ordinary persons and others in the world. It is only due to newspapers that we can read in the morning about the events that took place on the other side of the world only the day before. Besides, electronic media can telecast live happenings from around my corner of the world. Radio, Television and Internet are inventions that extend across all areas of internet including weather forecasts, entertainment, educational broadcasts, business and important political and social events. Companies that want to sell their products by advertising also make use of media. Media is very important in the fast moving world, because without media the society would be unaware of the local and foreign affairs.
Now, we come to the drawbacks of media. Electronic media is the most unpredictable mean of spreading knowledge among people. One gets biased and one-sided views through this media and nobody can rely on truth. Internet was supposed to be used for gaining information from throughout the world, but only a fraction uses it for information. Rests are being morally devaluated through the improper and non-religious publishing. Print media is also playing its role in this regard. Fashion and Movie Magazines are the main cause of wastage of money and every amidst the young generation. If a newspaper can be used, it can be misused much easily by spreading views of one political party and other rumours. Readers should be careful and judicious in selecting the type of media so that they may keep away from its harms.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

English Essay



Terrorism means to use violence to affright people for political resoluteness. It is also misused to organisation or provide to minify the spirit of others. In prescribe to occurrence one's sentiment. This one is the most serve-problem of the present age that people, all over the land as advisable as the undivided Gear Class are protection this devilishness. The essential causes of terrorism are exclusive to egest the political spot of the glob in sure. Terrorism becomes or may embellish end personalty of meaning and too such anxiousness.

The causes of terrorism ever are the Iniquity, malevolence and venom and its very great aim, cerebration or intention is win, illegality, demolition and emit going to acquitted lives and properties. This wicked devastation forces are ever in activeness and they stay willing to create governmental misadministration in the region. Coercion is the lowest taxon of barbarism. A wild production is e'er supposed as coercion for it generates. These are multitudinous terrorists groups in mechanism in the experience who are always work in their black terimental actions.

Pakistan semipolitical environs has been real overmuch psychoneurotic not a lone polity could be competent to base itself for the nominal point. During this structure of reading the value of depravity enhanced really some. The graph of criminal activities upraised due to the answerableness forces. The regulation of political knowing has been raining speedily. Coercion generates strains and anxiousness to the decent and downright someone of the earth. It is an afford contest to our governing, the law enforcing agencies and word agencies to conflict against this devilish instrument.

Who is accountable for this vulgarity? The serve is that who proposes to transfer the serene part into contemptible and these are the terrorist who activity with the lives of exonerated imperfect brings for covetousness of money around which they do not bed that this money is transitory action which they do not cognise that everything in this humanity leave rest here when he gift go into the representative of decease.

At this leg it has metamorphose most basic to contact out terrorism structure the scope of the glob and to everyone extant this Bag Grouping and Pakistan in special, should be provided their rights on the bases of realistic meet.



               A VISIT TO A HILL STATION

"The best part of the beauty is that which no picture can describe".
My love of adventure is natural to me of course, the degree of love varies from person to person. My adventuresome one nature promoted me and a cousin of mine suggested to visit Murree Hills. Murree. a beautiful valley situated between the huge mountains of Himaliya range.
It was almost mid of July when we all cousins left for Murree. We enjoyed the whole journey from Lahore to Rawalpindi. We reached Rawalpindi at 10 o' clock. We rested for a while in Rawalpindi and purchased many things of daily needs.
We reached Murree at 2 p.m. the same day. The weather was gusty and dusty. The huge masses of clouds appeared in the winking of an eye. An inky darkness prevails everywhere. Cool wind was blowing Birds were diving up and down on the waves of cool breeze. And at that time, it seemed as if:
"Nature is standing in front of us in all its beauty and grace".
We put up at an old hotel "Sunny View". After having rested there for a while, we came out to have a view of Murree hills. The valley below hills looked like a great cup full of flowers and flowing streams. The beautiful flowers of eye catching colours were dancing in cool breeze and looking so beautiful, as the poet says;
"See how the flowers as at parade, under colours stand displayed."
Next day, we walked to Kashmir point and enjoyed ourselves with its scenic beauty. When it was dark, we made for our hotel. A gentle shower of rain began to fall. When it started-tipping it down, it also created a musical sound and that was the beauty and music of nature. After a while, it started raining cats and dogs and continued till late at night, but when it was dawn, the rain stopped.
After our breakfast, we went out to see Salmi Sanitorium. Salmi is a beautiful spot situated in a fine valley. There are fruit garden on slopes. On our way back, we crossed two fast moving streams. Their silvery water was clear and cool. The number of glowing colours looked as much beautiful as:
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with heart." (Hellen Keller)
Next day. we went to Patriata, early in the morning. We enjoyed to have a ride of chair-lift. It was an interesting'experience. Running clouds, blowing breeze and bird eye view of Murree Hills. It seemed like a dream.
In our ten days visit of Murree Hills, we enjoyed hiking, and did a lot of shopping from Murree Mall. These moments are unforgettable for me. Those days were most well-spent days of my life.
Beauty of Murree Hills left a lasting imprint on screen of my mind. It will be commemorating me of the switching beauty of Murree forever, because; "A thing of beauty is a joy forever."



                     MY FAVOURITE POET

Allama Iqbal is our national poet. He was born at Sialkot on November 9, 1877. He belonged to a respectable Kashmiri family. One of his forefathers left Kashmir and settled in Sialkot. His father Sheikh Nur Muhammad was a very pious and religious man. Allama Iqbal inherited mysticism and deep love of his religion from his parents.

AJIama Iqbal received his early education from Mission High School, Sialkot and passed Intermediate examination from Murray College. His teacher Molvi Syed Mir Hassan was one of the most learned and pious man of his time. Iqbal had the good fortune of studying Arabic, Persian and lslamiat under the inspiring guidance of his teacher. In one of his poems, he applauded the love affection and care of his teacher bestowed upon him. Then he went to Lahore and passed his M.A examination from Government College, Lahore. He joined the teaching staff of the Govt. College Lahore and served there for some time.

In 1905, he went to Europe for higher studies in Philosophy and Law. He did his Ph.D. in Philosophy from Germany and Bar at-Law from London. He served as a professor of Arabic in London University for six months. His stay in Europe was of great importance. He was not impressed by the Western civilization^ He disliked the Western civilization. That is why he criticized it in his poetry. His hatred is quite prominent in his poems. He also predicted that the materialistic civilization of the West is to lead them only towards destruction.

When he returned home, he started law practice in the Lahore High Court. But he was more interested in poetry than law. Most of his time, he devoted to poetry philosophy and religion. He aroused the Muslims through the message of his poetry. In fact, he had great love and sympathy for the Muslims of India. He wanted to help them. He wrote many poems. He asked the Muslims of the whole world to unite.

Iqbal presided over the Allahabad Session of the All-India Muslim League in 1930. Here, he gave us the idea of Pakistan. He said that the only solution of the problems of the Indian Muslims was a separate Muslim State. He preached that slavery was greatest curse. The Muslims should break the chains of slavery. He pointed out the main causes of the degradation and humiliation of the Muslims in his poems "Shikwa" and "Jawab-e-Shikwa".

Allama Muhammad Iqbal was a great poet of Urdu and Persian. He was an inspired and creative poet. He dreamt of a separate homeland for the Muslims of the Sub-Continent. But he could not live long to see his dream materialize in the shape of Pakistan in 1947. He died on the 21st April, 1938. His death was a great loss for the Muslims. He was buried, near the gate of Shahi Masjid. Lahore. Every year Iqbal Day is celebrated to pay him homage. May his soul rest in peace.

He wrote many books such as Bangi-i-Dara, Bal-e-Jabreel, Zarb-e-Kalim, Israr-e-Khudi, Ramuz-e-Bekhudi, Javaid Nama, etc.

URDU 2ND YEAR (New Book Modal Paper)